…it's not a game anymore…

Archive for May, 2011



We’re accepting applications for the roles below. Main, supporting or featured roles are all speaking roles, and will require the performer to SKATE LIKE A DEVIL BANSHEE. Or at the very least not fall over lots and hurt themselves.

It’s also worth noting that as MurderDrome is a slasher film a certain amount of running away, getting into fights and being horrifically murdered is also likely. Or, to put it in something that resembles English, they will be physically demanding and some special effects make up will be required (this can = lots of time sitting in a chair while a spfx ninja sculpts a bloody gouge in your cranium in which a butcher’s knife can be inserted, for instance).

To apply for a role please email Mairav on pojm.snoogans@hotmail.com and include any acting experience you may have, and a headshot or really cool photo of yourself looking awesomely cool. Also include your contact details and location (we’re shooting in Melbourne FYI). Please nominate the role you’re most interested in for us to help us organise materials for auditions.

Audition times and location will be announced shortly and we hope to see you all there 🙂
