…it's not a game anymore…

Director’s Diary

Director’s Diary – December 9th, 2011. Shamwow.

So, MurderDrome is going to stretch into next year. What was initially scheduled to take 14 nights beginning in August and finishing late October is now going to consume 19 nights, 1 day (plus some change) and finish in mid January.

Why? You ask. How did this happen? You demand. What, precisely, went wrong? You scream.

Well if y’all could just calm the fuck down I’ll explain.


Director’s Diary, 26 October – The Final 100%

There’s a saying amongst film types that goes “shooting is about 10% of the job, and post production about 90%”. So with about 10% of our shoot left we’re finally down to the last 100% of the job.

There’s another less contrived and more well-known saying that goes “things seem further away the closer you get”. Actually that could be a Crosby Stills Nash & Young tune. I’m not sure. It doesn’t matter. The point I’m trying to make is…

What you need to do: (more…)

Netball is Dangerous

There are many potential disasters that can hold up an action film. Especially one like MurderDrome in which actors are on roller skates for almost the whole time. This makes every shot a potential wrist breaker, let alone shots that involve ducking a meat hook on a chain or getting into a punch on whilst swinging broken hockey sticks at each others’ heads.

So it probably comes as small surprise that one of our cast has suffered a serious injury.

The surprise is probably that it wasn’t one of our Derby Girls. And that it didn’t occur during some epic action sequence involving walking away from cars exploding in slo-motion whilst lighting a smoke.

It happened between shoots.

Whilst playing netball.

Yup. Jake (henceforth known as that big girl) managed to fracture his elbow playing netball.