…it's not a game anymore…

Archive for September, 2011

Netball is Dangerous

There are many potential disasters that can hold up an action film. Especially one like MurderDrome in which actors are on roller skates for almost the whole time. This makes every shot a potential wrist breaker, let alone shots that involve ducking a meat hook on a chain or getting into a punch on whilst swinging broken hockey sticks at each others’ heads.

So it probably comes as small surprise that one of our cast has suffered a serious injury.

The surprise is probably that it wasn’t one of our Derby Girls. And that it didn’t occur during some epic action sequence involving walking away from cars exploding in slo-motion whilst lighting a smoke.

It happened between shoots.

Whilst playing netball.

Yup. Jake (henceforth known as that big girl) managed to fracture his elbow playing netball.