…it's not a game anymore…

Posts tagged “Death

New from the Editing Monkeys…

That’s right, we’ve been too busy shooting, re-shooting, editing, re-editing, and SFX-ing to update our little blogosphere of late. But to celebrate the fact that it’s been one whole year since we shot the first frame on MurderDrome, here’s two and a half minutes of Sunday eve awesimiltude. Our first full length trailer for MurderDrome! Hope you enjoy and please share if you do – lots of talented, hard workin’ ace peeps would adore your support! (more…)

Meet the Stars – Pepper Minx

Pepper MinxPepper Minx:
– Works in a bookshop.
– Part owner of a Desert Bar!
– Played Roller Derby for GRDL for a number of years.
– Is a regular contributor to Femme Fatale magazine.
– Takes photographs, and sometimes is a model.
– Makes really silly films with her friends and family that never see the outside world. (more…)

12th July

“I pretty much try to stay in a constant state of confusion just because of the expression it leaves on my face” – J. Depp

Not that long ago I vowed never to do this film-type thing the hard way again. Apparently I don’t pay any attention to stuff I say because here we are, doing it the hard way again. The obvious hard stuff is easy. Decapitate that head, stab a meat hook through that knee, splash a bucket of blood over that face, fight each other with that meat cleaver and that meat hook please. Piece of piss I say.

The REAL hard stuff (btw that CAPS is specially for you Cyndi – but I digress)… aherm… The real hard stuff is “can everyone please re-arrange their whole life so we can be in Geelong until dawn and do all that other easy hard stuff involving limbs and blood on this one specific day that can’t be changed please. And we’ll be outdoors. In the middle of winter. And you’ll be dressed like you’re ready to play derby. Oh and do it on skates too please…”

THAT’S (hi Cyndi *waves*) the hard stuff.